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.NET- & FrontEnd Developer

.NET- & FrontEnd Developer

Currently working at AFS-Software GmbH & Co. KG in Bad Hersfeld (GER)

Follow @bratzi Waldemar Helwich

Create Ideas

Created by inspirations

Good ideas spring form an intense research. Analysing the product and invastigating the target group combined with an inspirational touch - A good basis for successful idea.

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Form backend to frontend

Since i've started coding i've expirienced in different tech-stacks. From .NET for windows-application to coding Web-Services (SOAP/REST) and Websites in ASP.NET/HTML/JS. Later i've started developing Web-Apps and mobile Apps with Angular & Ionic-Framework for mobile applications specified on the frontend.

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UX/UI & Design

Prototypes, Wireframes & Usability

Usabillity is a must! Keeping the flow intuitive and interactive stimulates the user to discover your product will make your project even more successful.

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Optimize your google-search-results - I've been working with SEO-tools successfully for more than 2 years. Optimizing the HTML-Markup, server-side configurations and content related changes for a better Search-ranking of your website.

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Create Ideas

A successful product springs from a good idea. Good Ideas are results of intense research combined with thorough brainstorming and inspiring prototyping.


Intense Research

The basis of every project is an intense research. What is the product you want to create? Who is the target-group you want to reach with your idea? Competitive analysis & marketing research - What do the the competitors offer? Trying to identify the user goals is very useful.

  • competitive analysis
  • target group
  • product analysis

Brainstorm & Prototype

Based on the intense research I start brainstorming. What is the result of my research? Transforming the goals into tasks, tanslating the tasks into functions.
Upon the successful brainstorm I start prototyping with pen and paper, Sketch/Adobe Experience Design & Photoshop. Layout the basic structure and visual design, preparing a rough sitemap.

  • transform goals into functions
  • layout structure & design
  • prototype - low & high fidelity

Do the Magic

After a successful prototype I start coding things out - based on a high fidelity wireframe from the prototypes. Developing mobile first - pointing out the central aspects of the idea and extending it to a full website for every desired device-size.
Revising & refactoring acpects of the wireframe and code is a continous process.

  • start coding
  • Mobile-First-Design
  • responsive design

Every Frontend needs a working backend

Since i've started coding i've expirienced in different tech-stacks. From backend-developement to frontend-developement.


  • VB.NET/C#

    8 Years
  • Javascript

    3 Years
  • Typescript

    1 Years


  • HTML / CSS

    10+ Years
  • Bootstrap

    6 Years
  • JQuery

    6 Years
  • Angular

    2 Years
  • Ionic-Framew.

    1 Years
  • Sass / Less

    1 Years

    5 Years


  • MS-SQL

    7 Years
  • MySQL

    7 Years
  • SQL-Lite

    1 Years

Recently I've expirienced with these ...

AngularJS MVC-Framework Ionic-Framework JSON-Web Tokens (JWT) Sass Less Webservices Building Webservices Consuming Webservices SOAP-Webservices REST-Webservices Internet-Information-Service (IIS)

UX / UI & Design
you can see it ... you can it

Its not only about nice artwork...
...but also a good answer to communicational issues.

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Put the right minds together and imagine infinity.

Find inspiration


Extremes are easy. Strive for balance.

Find out more


The purest minds are those which love color the most.

Paint your future


Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG:

Waldemar Helwich
Falkenblick 19
36251 Bad Hersfeld


Telefon: +49 (0) 1708797725

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